The President’s message

2024 Tacoma HighlanD Games

As we approach the Tacoma Highland Games, activities are kicked into high gear. All

the little details are set in motion to make the games great day for the competitors,

volunteers and spectators alike. This is also when I start to feel emotional; nervous that

something will go terribly wrong and worried that the weather will be cold and miserable.

While we can’t control the weather, The Tacoma Highland Games Board and volunteers

work tirelessly for months to plan a fun, enjoyable day filled with Scottish culture and

traditions. Because of this, I know my worries are unfounded and I turn to the nostalgia

of my personal Scottish heritage and what these strong traditions mean to me.

There’s an old Scottish proverb, “If ye like the nut, crack it”. It means, if you like the idea

of the reward then you must accept the effort involved to achieve it.

I’m amazed by the strength of the athletes, the grace of the dancers and eeriness of the

pipes and drums. When I think about the history of the athletic events and then watch

the athletes perform them, I’m in awe. The beauty in how they hurl the weights and

cabers is nothing short of phenomenal. Watching the beauty of the highland dancers

makes my eyes well with tears and thoughts of wishing that I was still a dancer rush

back to my heart. I still get chills when I listen to the pipes and drums and I’m thrown

right back to fond teenage memories when I hear a particular tune. This is my idea of

the reward and it’s most definitely worth the effort.

I hope our efforts bring you joy as you visit the varied food vendors and shops, listen to

the pipes and drums, and watch the dancers and athletes.

Welcome and enjoy your day!

Norma Gilfeather-Smith

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Norma Gilfeather Smith

President, Tacoma Highland Games Association